If you've been reading this blog regularly, you know that property taxes will be a hot topic in Florida for the foreseeable future. Here's more on the subject:
From the website NoMorePropertyTax.com:
"Skyrocketing property tax bills, combined with the high cost of insurance and energy, are breaking the backs of Floridians. The cumulative impact is hurting our economy and threatening our quality of life. As our wallets get skinnier, government gets fatter. Since 2000, government income from property taxes grew by 99%, while Floridians’ income only grew by an average of 44%. Floridians have the power to stop the out-of-control property tax bills and out-of-hand government spending. But we need Legislators to give us the chance to let our voice be heard. Learn more about the plan, calculate your savings under the plan and tell your Legislator you want your chance at the ballot box to vote NO to property taxes."
To learn more, and to sign a petition endorsing the plan to eliminate property tax in Florida, visit No More Property Tax